
This page refers to Labeljoy 5, which is not the latest release!

Please upgrade to Labeljoy 6 to get the latest version of the software with all its amazing features, or go to Labeljoy 6 user guide if you already own it.


This button enables you to start a new blank job.

By clicking it, all current groups and elements will be removed, and a new group of labels will be created.
The new job will be based on the file saved using the Save as default command.

In case the current job has not been saved, Labeljoy will prompt you with a confirmation message.

By clicking the New button while holding down the Control key (CTRL), a new job will be created baesd on the current layout, made up by as many labels as defined in the layout window. Also, a text element and a code 128 barcode element will be added to the new label.