This button enables you to start a new blank job.
By clicking it, all current sets and elements will be removed,
and a new set of labels will be created.
The following options are available:
- Your default template: the new job will be based on the file saved using the command Save as your default template found under the Save button. This menu is enabled only after a custom template has been saved.
- Default template: the new job will be based on Labeljoy's default template.
- New from current layout: the new job will be created using the currently loaded layout.
Following is a list of templates shipped with Labeljoy that enable you to create a new job starting from one of the most common formats and layouts.
In case the current job has not been saved, Labeljoy will prompt you with a confirmation message.
By clicking the New button while holding down the Control key (CTRL), a new job will be created baesd on the current layout, made up of as many labels as defined in the layout window. Also, a default text, barcode and a code-128 barcode element will be added to the new label.