Subscription Renewal

Renew your subscription to Labeljoy!
With only $89 for the Basic and Full versions and $199 for the Server version you get 12 months of Software Updates, Premium Support and all the features that require an active subscription.


Find Licences

Subscriptions can be renewed only for the same version of the active license.
If you wish to perform a license upgrade instead, please contact customer support

For multiple renewals, the following discounts will be applied.
Just use the appropriate discount code in the order form:
Number of licenses Discount Code
2 20% SRNW02
3 30% SRNW03
4 35% SRNW04
5 40% SRNW05
6 - 11 45% SRNW06
12+ 50% SRNW12
  Licence Number Version Order Expiry date  
Ren. sel. lic.


Upon expiry of the first year or subsequent renewals, Labeljoy will continue to function without the ability to download new updates, access premium support and features that require an active subscription.